Selfportraits as a movie star | Covid19 lockdown

Selfportraits as a movie star
Chronicle of a 60 days SOLO LOCKDOWN in Turin (Italy) during Covid19.
After a short period of hyper productivity, boredom is my new friend.
Slowly and silently few words start echoing into my mind:
“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”
This is how this series of selfportraits begins.
Chronicle of a 60 days SOLO LOCKDOWN in Turin (Italy) during Covid19.
After a short period of hyper productivity, boredom is my new friend.
Slowly and silently few words start echoing into my mind:
“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”
This is how this series of selfportraits begins.
Every picture of this essay is shot with objects I already had at home when the quarantine started:
an ikea lamp, a couple of salad bowls, a bike helmet, a running shirt and so on.
Gear: Camera, tripod and a couple of strobes.
Postprod: Lightroom and a tiny tiny bit (almost none) of Photoshop.
Movies and series:
The Shining by S.Kubrick
Psycho by A.Hitchcock
Interstellar by C.Nolan
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom by S.Spielberg
Young Frankenstein by M.Brooks
Kill Bill Vol.2 by Q.Tarantino
The Simpsons by M.Groening
Giuliano Berti ©2019 - All rights reserved